Speed Legends run club

“The fastest way to a fat a$$ and snatched waist”. -your mom

SPEED LEGENDS EASY 69 day challenge

Speed Legends EASY 69 day challenge

“The fastest way to a snatched waist and fat a$$”

You just do 3 things:

  1. Drink 32oz of water first thing in the am.
  2. Quick and easy posture exercises.
  3. Speed Legends “run club” workout. (workout link)

There’s one rule once you start you can’t stop. Even if you forgot that day still counts; because if you’re still alive, that’s a win.

Don’t forget to take before and after pics and tag #speedlegends #sleasy69

The reasoning behind it:

1. Water on an empty stomach, 32 ounces to be specific will help curb cravings get your tummy regulated and gives you the best shot at staying hydrated. When you are dehydrated, you crave salt and sweets back-and-forth, back-and-forth and that’s not good for you.

2. Good posture makes everything look more snatched. You look taller, more confident, and your back will thank you, you slouched over little gremlin!

3. Speed legend run club because it’s fast free and effective AF. The run club work out will have your waist snatched and your ass getting more perky and round in no time.

That’s it. Do it for 69 days and you be a completely new person.


PS you’re gonna hurt a lot, all over at first, just hang in there. You gotta toughen up your body.

PPS For the fastest recovery:

  1. eat lots of protein
  2. have an electrolyte drink a day
  3. stretch while you watch shows
  4. take a 20 minute soak in a hot bath with epsom salt 1x a week.

Posture Exercises: SL EASY 69 day challenge

With your body pressed up against the wall. Think “snow angle” but wall is the ground and you have to press yourself up against it. (Watch the video for more context: link)

2 rounds of : 

10 side raises:

10 bent elbow side raises. Touch pink to thigh and then bring the thumb up to your ear. 

10 Invisible latters (10 per arm)

You should feel it in the middle of upper back. A slight cramp is normal. Make sure to listen to your body and contact your doctor if you’re unsure about anything. 

“Good job, two times, that’s it” 

run club work out

Free sprint training program designed to a be done anywhere at any fitness level.  

Three main benefits for this specific workout

  1. simple: zero knowledge, equipment, and almost any fitness level
  2. fast: it takes 30-40 minutes, 3 times per week to do the whole thing. We did this work out in the street in front of our house for a whole year.
  3. results:  this is the fastest way to a fat ass and a snatched waist. who doesn’t want that??

The break down:

The workout consists of 3 parts:

1. Warm-up with simple movements


2. Sprint for 15 seconds

3. Rest for 2 minutes. Repeat 3-10 rounds

The standard is to run 3x per week, to be done at your fitness level.  At first, This might look like just the warm-up plus a brisk walk or light jog for 20 minutes after.

 Run on your Monday, Wednesday or Thursday and Saturday. If you miss a day, that’s OK. Just get ready for the next scheduled day. It’s OK to not be perfect. Sometimes your body will need extra rest or it’s just not in the books.

The work out:


10 lunges forward

10 Reverse lunge back.

10 lateral lunges each leg


10 meter pogo hops  (forwards)

10 meter pogo hops (backyards)

*light & springy like jumping rope*


10 meter 45 degree pogo hops (forwards)

10 meter 45 degree pogo hops (backyards)


15 meter high knees down

15 meter butt kickers back


15 meter Quick times *straight leg penguin shuffle with speed*


15 meter high knee skip


15 meter Prime times * strait leg penguin shuffle with a long stride for distance*


15 meter Mario skips *for height & distance


2 min stretch as needed


The work out: 

3-10 rounds of 15 seconds max sprinting.

  • All rounds to be done at 80-100% today’s max effort.
  • 2 minutes rest in between
  • Scale as needed
  • Work up to three, five and 10 rounds overtime

Don’t forget to stretch. Do it while you watch Netflix.

For the fastest recovery:

  1. eat lots of protein
  2. have an electrolyte drink a day
  3. stretch while you watch shows
  4. take a 20 minute soak in a hot bath with epsom salt 1x a week.

Want to show support:

  • get fit and tell everyone about it
  • get some merch
  • follow and tag us on social media

The warm up (gifs edition)

Here’s the warm up with gif examples. 

remember, this about moving a little move everyday and not getting hurt.

10 lunges forward & 10 reverse lunge back.


10 lateral lunges each leg

10 meter pogo hops forwards and back

*light & springy like jumping rope*

10 meter 45 degree  hops forwards and back

15 meter:

  • high knees down and butt kickers back
  • straight leg penguin shuffle with speed*
  • high knee skips 
  • strait leg penguin shuffle with a long stride for distance* 
  • Mario skips *for height & distance

2 min stretch as needed